We Need to stick together so we can contain these Zombies and get back our Friends
Arms Race/Brinkmanship
As Kenny, the Cowboy came back to His neighbor town he finds the place filled but different something felt wrong with the people in the town, then a man popped out of one of the buildings and looked at Kenny with a terrifying glare the Town has been infected by Zombies and they are heading towards the other towns!
Korean War
Time to Leave!
As the Zombies start to take over other towns and cities in the West the Cowboys of the East Begins to make promises to protect each other and become a one big shield against the Zombies
I appreciate you apologizing for what you did maybe we can be acquaintances for a while
After Kenny Gets help from other cowboys from nearby towns He starts to get weapons to push back the zombies from his and his allies' towns the zombies did the same
Fall of the Soviet union
Totally I am happy we could make an agreement But I am not shaking your hand I have got business with Blukraine
After Kenny was done fighting with the Zombies about how many weapons they had The cowboys began helping one of their neighbors on defeating a horde of zombies from taking over the Country of Lorea At the End it was a tie
After the battle at Lorea Kenny and his gang go to Kietnam home of the Kietnamese Who was being targetted by the Zombies and was trying to be taken over luckily Kenny and his gang were there to stop them but in the end of the battle Kenny and his crew Lost and Kietnam was a Zombie infected area
After so many battles between the Cowboys and the Zombies, the Zombies eventually began running out of food and needed to change how they did things with their neighbors and their own countries so the Zombies made sure to stop the tension between the cowboys and them