It's going well.By the way, have you thought about where to go go on your next vacations?
Oh, no yet, I haven't had enough time to choose?
Today is your lucky day, I'm gonna tell you about my town Cayambe, Well... just if you want for sure.
That's an amazing idea, so tell me evrything you know about your place
OK, Well Cayambe is an amazing town and there are a lot of beautiful places like Cayambe Volcano, you really would have fun there, it's a cold place but also incredible, there is a lake which have an esmerald color it's unreal
Wow, sounds fantastic, what about food?
Well the most typical food are “bizcochos” and “queso de hoja” if you want to taste the originall bizcochos you have to visit los “bizcochos del cura”
Also there is a place called “la casa de los venados” where you can live with deer and feet them, as you can see there are amazing places, oh I forgot it there is other beautiful place where you can visit great castles with amazing architecture called “los castillos de Guachala ”
OK, You've convinced me, I'm gonna prepare my luggage right now, cheers mate...