the two mice reproduce and the offspring will be white or something not that uncommon will happen where a mutation occurs and it's a different color. When the mice reproduce, they have more offspring than wat are going to survive.
When the two mice reproduce the offspring will be white most of the time but there's a slight chance where a mutation happens and the mice changes slightly.
when the environment changes the mice adapt some by getting a mutation, for example when an eagle starts to terminate the population of white mice the tan mice will start to increase the population.
Different Reproduction
offspring struggle with the surrounding around them like when a younger mouse falls in the water the mother will try to save it may be but the man still has to struggle.
panicked squeaked
during evolution, organisms have to endure natural selection where animals have to deal with predators finding food.
as reproduction takes place in life different mutations occur in the offspring so then at some point one turns into a different species.