Well, how much would you want if I were to hire you?
We will offer a salary around the range of 15 to 17 thousand a year.
Great! We will definitely keep you in mind.Thank you!
I would be fine with 17 thousand a year!
How much are you willing to pay?
I guess we shopped at the exact same place, what a coincidence!
As I am sitting on the polished plastic purple chairs, panicking, I hear a faint conversation from the main interview room. I shifted closer to the wall to be able to hear the discussion clearly.
Here goes nothing!
I am able to hear the conversation inside.
We will offer a salary around 10 thousand a year.
Well, how much would you want if I were to hire you?
Alara Mckay
How much are you willing to pay?
The interviewee walked out wearing the same outfit as me.
How dare she offer me a lower salary!
Alara Mckay
The man walked away, ignoring my presence entirely, shortly after I walked into the interview room.
The interviewer asked me a few questions.
The shock on my face was evident from miles away. I was frustrated and furious. I left the room with utter frustration and anger without saying a word back to the interviewer.