¨ My answer is still no for I am constant as the northern star.¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.61)
¨ Your compliment may convince others, but you won´t flatter me with your tactics.¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.2.36-40)
¨ Liberty! Freedom! Tranny is dead!¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.79)
¨ Speak, hands, for me!¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.77)
¨ Liberty, freedom, and enfranchisement!¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.83)
¨ Et tu, Brute?¨ Then fall Caesar!¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.78
The ides of March have arrived.
¨ O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little measure? Fare thee well.¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.167
Metellus is asking for forgiveness for his brother, but Caesar refuses and sticks to his word, showing his negative traits.
¨ Let each man render me his bloody hand.¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.187)
¨ Oh Antony, beg not death of us. ¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.166)
¨ Do not consents, that Antony speak in his funeral. (What might he say?¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.1.236-238
The conspirators finally take action and kill Caesar. Right as he is about to fall Caesar mentions Brutus and his betrayal towards him.
¨ Live Brutus, live, live!" (Julius Caesar, 3.2.48)
¨ I love Caesar and he loved me, but he was too ambitious, so I slewed him.¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.2.24-26
¨ Let him be Caesar!¨ (Julius Caesar, 3.2.51
Mark Antony enters and sees Caesar on the floor. He mourns for his loss. Antony promises to seek revenge on the Conspirators.
Antony talks with the conspirators to find out why they killed Cesar and ask to speak in his funeral. He manipulates them by begin friendly in order to get his revenge.
Brutus gives his speech to the plebeians about his reason for killing Caesar. The people of Rome then support him.