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  • After the Pharaoh refused to believe that Moses' God was more powerful than he was, the Nile river had started turning into blood, the fish started dying and the river began to stink. This was a sign from God and lasted for seven days.
  • Oh no! The Nile is turning into blood!
  • Soon another sign of God. A plague of frogs jumped out of the Nile and swarmed Egypt. Millions upon millions rummaged through the village. The Pharaoh still wasn't convinced that this was a sign from God.
  • 16Then theLordsaid to Moses, “Say to Aaron, ‘Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the earth, so that it may become gnats throughout the whole land of Egypt.’”And that's what happened, after the frogs had died like the Pharaoh requested, God had turned all of the dust to gnats in Egypt because once again Pharaohs heart hardened
  • The next morning a plague of flies rushed throughout the houses of Egypt. The Egyptian priests were not able to stop any of these plagues. Moses who had told Pharaoh there were not going to be any flies among the Hebrews was right.
  • There are flies everywhere! Our priests can't even do anything about it. It must be a true sign from Moses' God.
  • The fifth plague would happen amongst the livestock of Egypt. God would send a deadly pestilence throughout the livestock of Egyptians. Farmers were in shock of how fast the disaster had come.4But theLordwill make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, so that nothing shall die of all that belongs to the Israelites.’”
  • \8Then theLordsaid to Moses and Aaron, “Take handfuls of soot from the kiln, and let Moses throw it in the air in the sight of Pharaoh.People and animals throughout Egypt were covered with boils. Comfortable and unharmed the Israelites were unaffected by what had happened.
  • Ow!
  • I am covered with boils and they hurt so much, when will all of this stop?!
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