Helo, good afternoon and welcome to Coffe Inc., my name is Andrea Oranday and i am the general manager of this establishment.
Thank you for this amazing opportunity, it is a pleasure to be working here. It is my first time in a place like this so i hope i can get the hang of things
As manager it is my job to expaine to you the objective we have here so you can do your Job accordingly, i am here to help you in and way you need.
Thank you again, i will always be greatfull for this opportunity and do me best and help out in and way i can.
I am going to have to leave you real quick, I was just informed there is a problem with an emplee that needs my help.
It's ok, go take care of what you need, if they need extra assistance and i can help in and way do not hesitare to ask.
Okay, let me call technical support so that they can fix it right away.
We seem to be having a technical problem that is messing with the cash register .
Thank you!
Okay, it should be working all right now. It is fixed.
That's what i'm here for, anytime you need help resolving a problem do not hessitate on calling me.
Thank you for being a great manager and always dong the right thing to help us out.