Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II. This is a story about a young Jewish girl named Sarah and her family. Their lives were affected by anti-Semitic laws and persecution. Despite the challenges, Sarah's family was determined to preserve their dignity and heritage.
Hi! I'm Sarah and this is my family during our peaceful pre-war life.
We are Jewish and very proud of our community and cultural traditions.
But there were rising tensions in Germany. Many non-Jewish friends began to discriminate against me, my family and other Jews in our community.
Life was no longer safe for us. Many of our friends were forced to leave their homes and live in horrible camps.
We were very scared. Friend of ours hid my family in their attic to keep us safe. Mom and Dad were very brave.
Me and my family encountered kindness and compassion from non-Jewish neighbors and those we had never met before.
Between 1944-1945 liberations of major Nazi camps were underway. Liberators were confronted with the horrors created by Nazi's. There were 11 million victims of what is known as the Holocaust.
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11831012 - Nur Yilmaz - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed
15660573 - Kimsanxw - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed