Helllo Everyone. I'm Murshid Quli Khan, the Founder of the old Mughal Province Bengal, I am here to tell you about a war that happened in the year 1575 here In Bengal called the Battle of Tukaroi ,now you must be wondering what the battle of Tukaroi is, well, The Battle of Tukaroi also known as the battle of Bajhaura or the battle of Mughulmari was fought between the Mughal Empire and the Bengal Sultanate on 3rd March 1575 near the village of Tukaroi. Lets take a look at the story
Daud Khan Karrani
Hmm,,I really want to rule over the Mughal Subcontinent... I have an idea , I will try and capture the Zamania Fort which is a frontier post of the Mughal Empire
In Bengal
He attacked my frontier!!!, I am not going to let him go!, I Akbar resort to declare war, I will send Munim Khan to deal with Karrani
In the Mughal Sucontinent
Munim Khan
Munim Khan led a force towards Patna. But he was opposed by Karrani’s powerful Afghan chief Lodi Khan. Munim Khan had to content with letting Karrani go on light terms.
Lodi Khan
Oh no, this cannot be happening. I am now appointing Raja Todar Mal to take over Bihar. Thus hurting the pride of Munim Khan who then laid siege to the city of Patna
Meanwhile in Bengal
Meanwhile, Lodi Khan was deceitfully killed by Karrani who also confiscated his property.
In 1574- Akbar conquered Hajipur from where he provided supplies to Patna.He also captured the Patna Fort
I will proceed to Patna after my annual visit to Ajmer.
Back in the Mughal Subcontinent
Munim Khan, I am providing you with additional men and making you the governer of Bengal
The End
Munim Khan and the Mughal army engaged Karrani’s forces in the battle at Tukaroi. Earlier on in the battle, Munim Khan was injured, and it looked like the Bengal army was going to win. However, things reversed soon enough and Karrani fled from the scene.
Karrani was left with only Odisha while Bengal and Bihar had to be ceded to the Mughals.