hi may i have some fur il trade it for some blankets
the voyagers and the knowledge of the fur trade
oh no i don't but i can help you expand it by telling all my friend and my kids.
hey mam do you know about the fur trade i'm a voyager i expand the knowledge of the fur trade.
about the beaver
when the fur trade began it was the year of 1600 they traded the beaver pelt with the Europeans for stuff the first nations people did't have access to
people who were involved
the voyagers are the first nations people who want to spread the knowledge of the fur trade. the fur trade is a very important thing.
what the beaver was used for
the beavers lived in all the provinces around Canada they establish a fur trade around the southern waterways
how it began.
the people who were most involved are the people of Canada french and the british🤠🙏
the beaver was used to trade for money then the british and the others made clothes with it to make more money than the beavers were for a non stop cycle of money
the erupeans found the beaver they killed it and tried to sell the fur and they didnt know it was worth so much money so they started trading it to erupeans the british and the other countrys