James Buchanan is unfit to be president!
Oh No! I can't kill him even though I disagree with what he said because the First Amendment protects his rights!
You cannot search my house without a legal warrant and a good reason, the 4th amendment protects my rights!
I'm sorry, please forgive me! I didn't read the Constitution carefully enough
Juvenile Delinquent: I already served my time in prison for stealing a watermelon from the store! You can't convict me of the same crime twice, the 5th amendment protects my rights!
Okay, that makes sense, thanks for explaining it to me! I now know more about the Constitution than before!
I've been in her for 50 years already, this goes against my right to a speedy trial which is found in the 6th Amendment in the Constitution!
By the 7th amendment in the Constitution, I have the right to an impartial jury to give me a fair and honest verdict of what happened at the bank robbery! Also, since the monetary value of the dollars stolen from the bank was 13.000 dollars, it exceeds the 20 dollar limit and gurantees my rights!
For destroying the bathroom, which was private property, I sentence you to a lifetime of hard labor!
You can't do that to me, the 8th amendment in the Constitution says that you can't inflict unusual or cruel punishments on me for committing a minor crime!