this book starts oof with the introduction of scout finch , her older brother jem, and their widowed father atticus . they live in a small ton in alabmama called maycomb.this story took place duirng the great derpression but atticus was a rminent lawyer so their family it reaosn ably better compared to the rest of the town.
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Conflicts starts when atticus the fth takes a case defending an innocent black man name tom robinson tom was accused of rapping a white woman although atticus clearly proves the man is innocent the white jury still convicts the defendant the book shows us readers that this is a time of racism and prejudice.
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Atticus's children scout and jem get a lot of attention because of their fthrs case their friends at school would mock them and taunt them they both were faced with such hard times and situations at such a young stat of their lives fortunately both children learn valuable lessons about justice commitment and what'sis right.scout is very shy and not like most girls her age cause she doesn't like to be like those kids she not very feminine