If you had a magical goldfish that could grant three wishes what would you wish for?
Rising Action
Wow, a goldfish!
Get away from it!
Exposition: Yoni is living in Israel and is making a documentary on what people would do if they found a magic goldfish that could grant three wishes. He goes around his town and interviews different people.
Rising Action
Inciting Incident: Yoni knocks on Sergei's door and asks Sergei what he would do with the a magic goldfish. Sergei's family was often visited by the KGB due to their religion and just wants to be left alone. Sergei tells Yoni to go away but Yoni forces his way into the house.
Rising action: After Yoni forces his way into Sergei's house and notices his goldfish. Yoni is excited since he is filming a documentary about what people would do with a magic goldfish. Sergei thinks Yoni is trying to steal his goldfish.
"Anything to not be alone
Rising action: Sergei hits Yoni with a pan killing him. His goldfish talks to him telling Sergei that Yoni is dead and that the goldfish could heal him if Sergei asked for it.
I can bring him back to life"
Climax: Sergei is trying to decide what to do with his last wish. In a flashback we learn that he used his first two to heal other people and wants to use the third for himself(or not use it). He tries to think about what he can do to hide the body but knows he should heal Yoni. It hints that Sergei may have never used the wish since he was lonely. The scene ends before we know what he decides.
“If, on this, you won’t waste a wish, then tell me, Sergei, what is it good for?”
Resolution: Yoni is putting together the documentary and decides whether to use an Arab that wished for peace or a Russian that simply would talk to the fish and said "anything to not be alone".