When the she-wolf was by the stream drinking water, she heard the twins crying and could sense despair, so with the motherly instincts she cared for them
they are strange looking things, but they need help
As time passed Remus and Romulus were raised by the she-wolf and grew up strong and healthy, as they grew up and they met a shepherd who was fascinated by them and took them for his own children. As they grew ever older their goods deeds were prasied by everyone.
Hey you theft! you better give back the food you stolen or else!
Sooner or later their grandfather numa heard about their great deeds and decided to find the boys and tell them the truth! The twins, later on, are able to an army of soldiers to go and rescue there mother. The plan worked. Remus and Romulus then decided to build a city on the great banks of the Tiber where the she-wolf found them. They both did their equal parts in making the city, but when it came to naming it they couldn't decide and got into a fierce battle with Remus dead.