Abraham-I am God and command you to leave to Canaan.
Let my people go!!!
is he dead?!?
"were saved""freedom"
in about 18000 B.C., a man named Abraham made a covenant with God to leave his home and God made a covenant With him in which Abraham would be the father of many nations. years later Jacob led his people to Egypt and the pharaoh made them his slaves because they practiced monotheism.
i thought you wanted us to stay?!?
I demand you to leave!
Moses was an Israelite who grew up in the palace. Moses wanted to free his people from slavery and asked the Pharaoh to lead them out of Egypt. but the Pharaoh said 'NO"!
how is he gonna give them to me
we shall follow you your rules both day and night
I am going to give you ten commandments that you and your people are going to follow
when the Pharaoh said "NO" Moses set punishments to the Egyptians such as no food, diseases, and the worst one the death of every firstborn son.
I love cannon
this is the life!!!
when the Pharaoh saw his firstborn son dead on the ground he demanded the Israelites to leave Egypt. Moses led the Israelites to the Sinai peninsula out of the pharaoh’s reach.
Then Moses stopped at the foot of mt. Sinai. and God gave him the ten commandments theis commandments told the people how to behave towards god and towards other people other people
Moses´s descendence Jacob led the Israelites to Cannan and they conquered Jericho and many small cities and the Israelites settled throughout the land.