HIP..I still have to HIP lock the HIP hen-houses HIP
Comrades, you've heard already about the strange dream that I had last night,but I'll come to the dream later
I'm about to die and before that I HAVE to pass on to you such wisdom as I've accuired; We're living miserable and short lifes. No animal in england is free and have been happy...WE produce and humans STOLE US our productions and you think this is normal? NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
THIS is my message to you comerades : REBELION !!!
All men are enemies , all animals are comrades !And even after rebelion no animal had to take men habits they're evil.
And now, my dream. It wasn’t really a dream it was more a souvenir.I was young, my mother and all animals were singing a song called “beasts of England”. I’ll sing you that song now
Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, beasts of every land and clime
hearken to my joyful tidings Of the golden future timeSoon or late the day is comingTyrant man shall be o'erthrown,And the fruitful fields of England shall be trod by beasts alone
Cruel whips no more shall crack. Riches more than mind can picture, wheat and barley, oats and hay, clover, beans and mangel-wurzels shall be ours upon that day.
rings shall vanish from our noses, and the harness from our back bit and spur shall rust forever,
shhh silence he musn't know that we maked the sounds that awoke him