at 4:51pm john is looking for a website to pass the time cause he is bored. he ends up finding a website but john doesnt know if its secure he doesnt think of that and clicks the link.
john is then shouted by one of his parents needing to go down the stairs but cause he clicked a link he didnt know was secure he ended up getting a worm (a worm is a malicious piece of malware that can duplicate without and human interaction and doesnt need to attach its self to a software program to cause damage).
now because of the dangerous link that john clicked on the worm has started it journey on beginning to spreading across his computer.
now that there is a worm in the computer its has started to duplicate and make more and more of them so they can spread faster.
cause the worms started duplicating there are more of them to spread and cause they are more they are doing it to not just his computer.
while jimmy was on his computer in the other side of the house and the worm has also have started doing it in the computer of the house starting a sort of chain where it goes one after another after another.