Please Excuse my dear Aunt Sally, Please Excuse my dear Aunt Sally.Please excuse my..
Hey Jan, why are you walking in circles and what did your Aunt Sally do to you?
Nothing silly. I'm memorizing for my math test tomorrow. It's an ACRONYM..Did your teacher not do Order of Operations yet?
Yes, but I heard nothing about your Aunt Sally.
Cant wait to see this?
Well C'mon let me show you what it means. I'll spell it out for you
Look I started writing it out for you.
Oh Yeah!, that Rule! I did that test and made an A last week.I know that 10*2-6+4 = 18 not 10*2-6+4 =10The order is very important.
You got it!You do understand!
The P is for Parentheses..E is for Exponents..M is for Multiplication..etc
Jan is learning how to simplify expressions. She is pacing back and forth trying to get the Order of Operations rule correct. She has a test in the morning. Here comes her friend Mark.
A says .."I'm always 1st in the alphabet so she'll use me first tomorrow"
S says "don't be so sure there is a rule! heard her talking about Aunt Sallyall day..she always picked up "P" first
They sit to talk. The teacher explained the order using an ACRONYM. That is using the first letter of the real words to make up a word so students can better grasp the lesson. The P is for Parentheses ( ), E for Exponents, M for Multiply, D for divide (do those left to right) and A for Addition and S for subtraction (do those left to right).
S explains "This is Math not your ABC's and rules are rules, you'll see. Jan is always prepared.She's in 6th grade now and is expected toknow the Order of Operationsand she has to start with "P". You heard her practicing all evening.
The teacher is also using the ISTE*S.5.A Computational Thinker standard where students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.
How did that test go today Jan?
Really well Mark. I got an A just like you.Nailed it!!!
Later that night..The letters A and S are arguing. A starts talking. They are not aware that the order Jan is using are preset mathematical standards 6.EE.A.@ which is to write, read and evaluate expressions, in which variables stand for numbers. At the 6th grade level this should be reinforced and practiced.
I'm getting out. She has to see me 1st.
She will be performing arithmetic operations, including those involving whole number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order, called Order of Operations.
You get back in there right now
After School. Jan remembered the Order and got an A on her exam too.She meets Mark after school to tell him the good news. This project is designed to explain a matematical concept the Order of Operations and the skit is told through two friends Jan and Mark. They are going through all the rules the teacher would use in the lesson to complete an assigment. The letters are reinforcing that the Order is important to get the right solution.