Hello there! I am MaCo and it is very cold here because it is New York December 3 ,so it is also snowing and also why i have gloves and a scarf, and i am going to tell you a secret i am a superhero...
I alredy changed to a ballet leotard beacuse i am going to do a class at one of the most prestigius ballet school on New York
Hi teacher i introduce me again my name is MaCo and your class fills me whit joy because you are one of the most famous dancers in the world and i love learning.
Thank you very much,, and you were also very good in ballet.
Mom, Dad and brother are you home??
Hi Mom , i alredy have my first class whit my teacher.
That is super good, you are going to learn a lot of ballet thinks.
Hi Dad,¿where is my brother?
Yes he is training a lot for a competition.
Hi MaCo, your brother is in a diving class.
Oh you look like a whale hahahaha,these steps are not good at all, it would be perfect if you went out and bye bye LOL.
It is another day in my beatiful New York, and right now i am going to meet whit my best friend Valentina she is a superhero just like me but she is a Mexican superhero
Hi Vale!, how are you?????, ready for a ballet class?,and help people.
Hi MaCo, yes i am super ready.
This is the room where whe take class.
I saw what happened out there and that does not have to affect you because you are very strong girl.
It is nice!
It is time to help people....LET`S GO!!
I agree with you.
And you steps are so beatiful.
I will defend myself!!!
I introduce you to my room, and it is another day in New York, right now we are going to go to the ballet and we are going to see if Stella defends herself against the girl ho was bothering..
Hi Vale! are you ready to see Stella defends herself?
Yes, after our thalk that we gave to Stella yesterday, i think that today she is going to defend herself.
I dont have to listen to you beacuse i now that my stps are pretty good, so leave me alone.
OMG that steps are super bad....
Just as Stella defended herself, you also have to defend your self if you suffeer from bullying or see a person suffering from bullying you can help him.WE ARE ALL SPECIAL
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/ballet-dance-dancer-ballerina-art-437990/) - Takmeomeo - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)