here in this scene the military guy goes up to the house and gives them the monkeys pawhere i would add a sunset and not just have it dark and creepy out of nowhere. so then it can lead people to watch the film with creepy music in the background.
I would make this have more thrill in the film and the book doesn't show any detail doesn't make it scary enough so here i would give more detail on how he died and some more lighting to scare the reader even more then just getting crushed.
as he wishes for the pounds there should have been some cool effects like the house spins in circles and we pass out so that's what i would add
as she begs for the father to bring back there son the father tries to convince her not to but yet he still wishes for there son backhere i would add some crazy light affects and make the whole house shake as soon as he wishes for there kid back
here i wouldn't really change anything the filmmaker did a really good job with the load banging on the door as the wife runs down the stares the only think i would have changed was the father should have tripped running up the stairs to get the monkeys paw
here i also like how they went far to close as they die it scares the reader as there also in shocked how the ending ends. one thing i would change tho was it should have gave him his own gravestone with his kid and wife not just on top