Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward!
In this scene, Myrtle is walking into the street all furious and angry. The color of the buildings are darker to show the lack of energy and happiness. Myrtle's outfit is all white to show her innocence in the upcoming event, where she is the victim.
This scene shows a yellow car, owned by Tom, heading in the direction of Myrtle. The car is shown as yellow because not only do the readers know that it was Daisy and Gatsbys in the car, but the main characters also know.#160;
Once again, Myrtle is in a white dress and shoes to indicate her innocence because she suddenly ran to the car thinking that it was Tom driving and that he would stop for her. But instead, it was Tom's wife, Daisy, who was driving the car.#160;
This scene shows the crash of the car hitting Myrtle in the middle of the street. I decided to add a crash symbol of red and white to show her innocence and her death/horror. Myrtle's outfit is now red to show her death that was not suppose to happen.#160;
this picture now shows Myrtle in a red dress because in the book, it stated, that her body was left laying in the dark covered with Thick red blood. The yellow car is now driving away and passed Myrtle, leaving her stranded in the street.#160;
In this scene, this man was driving in the opposite direction as the yellow car and stopped after he saw her laying on the floor. He stopped to see if she was ok, but she never responded. This man is in a white shirt, indicating his innocence because he had just witnessed and awful murder where someone was killed.#160;