Dexter and his friends got to a school field trip and get to learn about the nervous system!
Storyboard Text
The Adventures Of Dexter!The Nervous System
Ok class! I hope you have a great weekend! On Monday we will be going to the hospital to learn more about the nervous system and its functions!
This field trips gonna be boring..
Wow this is amazing I can finally learn about the nervous system!
This gonna be a good field trip!
Hey Dexter, Brie Isn’t this field trip gonna be amazing guys?
Yea Daniel! its gonna be amazing that we're going to a actual hospital, meeting actual doctors!
I'm still confused on why you guys are so interested in this field trip..
We get to learn about the nervous system! Don't you want to learn how your brain functions?
Brie don't you realize how imporatant the nervous system is? It controls everything you do like breathing, walking, thinking, and even feeling!
Wow I didn't even know that. Who knew the nervous system did so much for your body! This field trip might actually be interesting for once!
Well I'll see you guys on Monday! Don't be late!
Bye Dexter!
Monday Morning
Ok everyone I’d like you to meet the head doctor who will be helping us through our journey about the nervous system!
Hello everyone! I'm Doctor Connors and I’ll be guiding you and showing the ins and outs of the nervous system!
So does anyone know what the nervous system is made up of?
The brain and the spinal cord?
Thats right! However that's only one part of the nervous system!
Haha! Let me explain!
The human nervous system is made up of 2 parts!
First we have the central nervous system. This consists of the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord is attached to the brain which gives information about your skin, joints and muscles.
Secondly we also have the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system consists of various nerves such as cranial and spinal nerves which carries out various messages to the central nervous system.
Well that's enough of me talking! Everyone can explore the hospital. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Wow! I learned a lot about the nervous system thanks to Doctor Connors!
Yea! who knew there were 2 parts that made up the nervous system!
Hey you guys wanna go to that room over there? It looks cool!
Yea for sure!
This is one creepy room. I wonder what they do here..
Yep its definitely one creepy room!