Rocco Perri moved to the US when he was 16, with forged papers and lies about meeting family
These Baloney Americans!
This job makes me so grummy!
He worked in New York for 4 years as a laborer
Mooch New York!
At the age of 20 he moved to Northern Ontario
His first illegal activites were done with the Black Hand, hiring a man to burn down the home of a rich italian family who refused to pay them back but got caught therefore he ran away
Rocco lay off, I will get you!!
Which led him to run from to Toronto where he met Besha Toben who let him stayed at her home with her family (bessie starkman)
Thank you dame for letting me stay at your home
well of course! you pay good jack
Eventually having an affair and running off to st.catharines then hamilton where they had a bakery being a guise for a brothel
Our brothel is running so well
Yes! we are making good profit
in 1916 Canada went dry
Canada is going dry! All bars are closed and liquor stores, selling of any alcoholic beverages will be send over.
We can bootleg booze!
Quebec was the only place in Canada who legally had access to booze so they bought from there.
Starting their bootlegging business by selling at the back of their home
That's the crop of the jack! I am ready to get smoked on shine!
Double two bits!
That's a good idea!
We should expand!
Selling booze at hotels
Selling booze at bars
...and overseas
Leading them to be one of the most successful bootleggers at their time, due to Rocco's connections and Bessie's business skills