Hello everyone, today I am here for my last storyboard!
Text Structure- Problem
"And the hearings were adjourned. Just like that. No mention of the third day of hearings that were supposed to follow the next day"(81).
Sign Post- Numbers and Stats
"When President Eisenhower created NASA, back in 1958, there was much discussion over what qualifications potential astronauts would need"(79).
This is my last and final storyboard.
Mindset- Takes on challenges
Although the women got to go to the hearings nothing changed.
To try to get into the space program the Mercury 13 women, had to go to hearings.
Summary- SWBS and txt-tlk
The Mercury 13 women wanted to be able to go into space but NASA was not agreeing to that so the women continued to try and accomplish their dream anyway.
The author used this number to show when NASA was having this discussion.
How do you feel about how the men are treating the women? Is it unfair?
Judging by how the hearings went, the dream of being in space for women wasn't looking bright.
Dream following-Making it happen-Working hard-Persevere-Pushing through