Hello I am a free farmer, and my name is Francis. and I have a family of four. I live in Southern Virginia. And this is my farm I grow chicken and cotton.
This is my family Jimmy my son and Rebecca my wife. They help me on the farm we own. Jimmy and me make rice and Rebecca grows the chickens.
I dont like chickens.
who are thesepeople looking at me?
Tonight will be so fun. I am having some of my friends come over Jimmy. and we will have chicken and rice for dinner. and their kids are coming to so you can play with them.
sounds like fun father.
Jimmy, can you spell Chicken, Rice, and farmer.
Yes, mother c-h-i-c-k-e-nr-i-c-eandf-a-r-m-e-r
really me too.
All ive got is my farm, some slaves, my family, some animals,and my house.
when will the government fix all the problems that they made if I had a say in what to do i would say that we shoul say who is in chargebecause we are just litgle ants to the government.