Meet Sameera who lives in India. She is on her way for her first check up after doing the home pregnancy test.
congratulations! you are 8 weeks pregnant. In addition to the prescription, I'd recommend you to install the app insert name to track your regular prenatal appointments
The app can be easily integrated with my smart watch which has access to my vitals like blood pressure, heart beat, body temperature. This data is periodically sent to the app and it alerts if there is any anomaly
Meanwhile in other part of the world. Anita who is 16 weeks pregnant and is also a user of insert name app
I see a notification to visit doctor for my next prenatal appointment with fasting blood and urine test. I had totally forgotten about it.
You blood pressure looks fine. However, I see a drop in your HB level and we may need to start boosting it. I'm writing you the prescription which will help
The forum on this app is very informative. I can see the post from Sameera in Urdu which the app can translate for me in English
Image Attributions:393047 ( - Alexandr Borecky - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed
Image Attributions
393047 - Alexandr Borecky - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See for what is not allowed