Hi everyone, I am Iggy Rock, and I'm a igneous rock. Believe it or not, the volcano on Magma Island is where my life began. My life is something like a cycle, let me tell you all about it.
I was created from a very hot substance called Magma, which is found deep below the surface of the Earth. I was considered to be hot instead of just cute.
While floating along, the volcano erupted, and I was soon sent to the Earth's surface. There I cooled, which is how I got my rock-like features. I am now an igneous rock!
Life above ground broke me down, literally. I immediately changed shape due to weathering. I could not fight against it. Deposition and erosion got the best of me. I found myself not as hard or strong, but a much softer version, known as sediment.
I am now sedimentary rock due to compacting and cementing!
Life above ground is crazy and always changing. After being broken down, summertime came and I was exposed to so much heat and pressure that I was hardenned again, becoming a metamorphic rock. I was finally starting to feel like myself again!
As soon as I got comfortable, I started melting into magma again! The cycle of a rock is constantly changing and quite complex. I guess I should change my name to Magrock, because that is where my life cycle begins an ends!
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/desert-drought-dehydrated-clay-soil-279862/) - _Marion - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)