I arrived yesterday, I am not even a day old. My memories are that of a newborn...
Holy Bible
Am I an experiment?
I will write down all of my experiences and feelings in this diary so I don't forget anything.
The moon is so pretty, I wish I had one... or even just a star.
Greed will be the death of me!
I hate the cold!
It was a very cold night so I decided to stay with the lions, my only friends it seems.
Don't hurt me!
Come back!
I saw a man for the first time today but he got scared and ran away.
He's so interesting.
I think it wants to eat me!
I followed him around for a week until I found out it could talk!
Why are you following me?
I'm not sure he likes having me around but I'm trying hard to make him like me.
I'm trying everything, but he has no interest!
I think he's finally warming up to me!
He avoided me again today, I didn't do anything wrong.
This is a new feeling, my first sorrow, my first heartbreak.
He came back around and brought my happiness with him!
That's going to kill you!
Do you want a hit? It tastes like apples.
I don't want him to leave again so i tried to impress him by vaping
My name is Eve.
That's cool
I finally opened up to him today and told him my name but he didn't care. It's like he thinks I'm the Devil.
This made me sad, so I went to the cave where I could atleast talk to my reflexion.
I work all day and he can't even bother to say hi!
I worked on the estate all day, hoping he would stop by. But he never came.
I miss him!
A whole week without him! I feel as if I'm back on the island, all alone.
Hi, my name is Eve
The feeling of loneliness was too much so I decided to befriend the animals.
Do it!
They peer pressured me into vaping. I made a huge mistake!
Now he will never love me!
I know that this one decisionis going to change my life.
I am So sorry!
God will have you banished! Why Eve, Why?!
I confessed what I had done, he was heartbroken.
I miss him so much!
It's been 3 days sinse I arrived here. Eden just seems like a dream now.
My name is Adam!
I love you Adam!
''You never really know what you've got until it's gone.''-Immortal Technique
I couldn't live without you, so I left Eden.Eve will you marry me!
Yes Adam Yes!
I have never felt this feeling before, it's more than happiness, more than love.
Together until we die.
This will be my last entry. I married Adam, my life is complete.
Adam, this is it...
No Eve you can't leave me!
40 years later
Wherever Eve was, that was MY Eden
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