Buying a house typically comes with a large down-payment that you might not be able to afford. Also, purchasing a house has increased responsibility to maintain and upkeep.
So why wouldn't I purchase if it has these benefits?
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First, you want to determine a budget, look for your preferred amenities, look for available options online, schedule visits, have conversations with the landlords to ensure a good fit, read the proposed contract completely and ensure there is nothing sketchy that you do not disagree with, than sign the contract and move in!
So if I want to rent, what are the steps I need to take?
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Yes, typically if you want to stay in one location for a while it is smart to purchase a house. Purchasing a house can act like an investment, you pay your mortgage every month and in the end you are able to sell the property and get this money back. Sometimes the house value even goes up, and you earn money. Also, purchasing a house gives you more control as you actually own the property.
OK.... so if I plan on staying here a while I should purchase one?