Son of the Big Man that killed Nag,stay still.I am not ready yet.
Turn around Naigaina,turne around and fight!
all in good time.I will settle my account with you presently
Look at your eggs,in the melon bed.Go and look Nagaina.
Nagaina was about to take revengo on the Big Man by killing his son in front of him
Ah-h! Give it to me!
How mmuch for a cobra egg.a young king Cobra.For the least the very last of the brood.
Rikki caught Nagaina about to bite his dear friend Teddy and he had grabbed the last egg of her nest.
Tricked!Tricked!rickk-tck-tck!The boy is safe,and it was I that caught Nag By the hood last night!
He threw me to and fro,But he could not shake me off.he was dead before the man blew him in two
Before he came,Rikki had destroyed the eggs of Naigaina and her now dead husband and he had the last one.
Continued in next panel.
The father grabbed his son and wife and brought them away from Nagaina as Rikki taunted the widow
Rikki-Tikki-tavi had tricked nagaina to pay more attention to him than the child and the big man grabed his son and wife and moved them across the table