I had a dream about animals ruling the farm, what if I could make this happen.
Rising Action
Mr.Jones was the farmer on Manor Farm, the animals were not a fan of him. Old Major had a dream about animals ruling the farm and there being no humans. He told the animals and asked them to help this be the future. He died shortly after.
The animals finally took action and chased Jones out of the farm. They weren't getting fed and they broke out of there stalls. They then chased Jones and the farmers off the farm and named it Animal Farm instead of Manor Farm.
Falling Action
Jones and his men wanted to take the farm back, the animals heard about this and Snowball made a plan. Jones in fact did invade and the animals fought back with Snowball as their defensive/military leader. The animals ended up winning the fight, but Snowball was injured along with many others. They named the fight the Battle of Cowshed.
Fredrick payed for the lumber Napoleon gave him, but the animals then found out the checks were fake. Then Fredrick's farm attacked Animal Farm. They had just finished building their windmill after two years. Frederick and his men blew up the windmill while the animals watched in hiding. They then attacked him and his men, but there were many fatalities and injuries.
The farm couldn't help Boxer with his injuries, so Napoleon said he was sending him to the vet to be treated. When the "vet" came to pick up Boxer the animals realized the truck said knackers. They tries to save Boxer from the horse slaughterer but he was to weak. Boxer never came back. When they were skeptical about what the truck said Squealer told them the vet forgot to paint over the old name. Squealer later told them they couldn't save Boxer
The pigs came out of the house that morning and they were all walking on two legs. Men came over from the neighboring farm to tour Animal Farm. They were very impressed and they ended up talking with the pigs. The other animals looked into the house and they pigs and men were drinking beer and playing cards. The pigs were wearing Mr. Jones's clothes. When the other animals looked back in they couldn't tell the difference between the men and the pigs. Napoleon later that day changed the farm name back to Manor Farm.