I feel that it is my duty to shift myself from any further war and commotion, but am I asking of you the surrender of that part of the C.S. army.
I do not agree with your decision but I will respect it.
On April 9th, 1895 General Lee surrendered to General Grant . This was the start of the end of the Civil War. The two generals actually had much respect for each other, and they made small talk before discussing the terms of surrender.
General Grant had already talked about this with Abraham Lincoln. The terms of the surrender were actually generous. Confederate soldiers had to turn in their guns, then they could go back home. Abraham Lincoln and General Grant did this so they would come back to the Union without hopefully ever rebelling again.
There were still more soldiers and armies that did not surrender. They heard about Lee's surrender and were very disappointed in his decision. General Joseph Johnston surrendered his southern army on April 26, 1895.
The last Confederate army to surrender was General Stand Watie , He surrendered on June 1865. President Jefferson Davis held one of his last meetings before the war ended. They finally ended the Confederate army and President Jefferson was captured.
After all these meetings and discussions, the war finally ended on August 20th, 1866. President Andrew Jackson signed a document ending the war and stating that all of America was at peace.