Eating disorders, primarily Anorexia Nervosa affects approximately 1 million Canadians.
80% of those Canadians being women.
Anorexia is a psychological disorder which involves having an unrealistic body image and an exaggerating fear of gaining weight.
One of the main reasons that women are more prone to Anorexia is due to the social pressures that they are faced with. Social Media tends to accentuate on these social pressures, with unrealistic expectations being set by many celebrities and influencers.
A strong correlation was found between persistent use of social media use and negative body image, self-objectification and body surveillance.
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa include:Extreme weight loss, fatigue, dizziness, fainting, discoloration of fingers, dehydration, low blood pressure and thinner hair.
In Canada, 80-90% of females are unhappy with their body image with influence from social media.
Change the focus of your feed; unfollow accounts that advertise or sell products with their bodies.Follow accounts that advertise healthy habits.Avoid speaking negatively about your body.Look at how body positive influencers treat their bodies
How can you help yourself and others?
Just because it isn’t affecting you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect anyone else. Raise awareness about Anorexia Nervosa. Be kind on social media.