When the woman saw that the tree was good for eating and a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable as a source of wisdom, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave some to her husband, and he ate.
The woman replied to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the other trees of the garden. It is only about fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden that God said: You shall not eat of it or touch it, lest you die. (Chapter 3 Genesis 2-3)
And the serpent said to the woman, You are not going to die, 5 but God knows that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad.
Adam saw the mistake Eve did he realized that following temptations can lead to a problem
He replied, I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid. (Chapter 3 genesis 10)The man said, The woman You put at my side- she gave me of the tree, and I ate.(Chapter 3 genesis 12)
God asked where are youThen He asked, Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat of the tree from which I had forbidden you to eat?(chapter 3 genesis 10
Why have you done the one thing i have told you to stray away i have no choice but to banish you from the garden of Eden
Though he knew they were dumped by the serpent God kept his word and banish the two form the eternal paradise called the garden of Eden and made them live outside of it