A self-selected sample of 149 Dutch University students (96 women and 53 men) responded to a flyer in the VU Amsterdam university cafeteria. They were paid €7 or given a course credit.further groups of participants: 92 students took part in the pilot tests There were two and 138 ‘comparison’ students were asked to predict obedience behavior.
Sign Up7 Euros or Course CreditTake part in a Study on Sensory Deprivation
The researchers conducted eight pilot tests, involving 92 undergraduates from VU university. The entire session lasted approximately 40 minutes.Participants were informed about the study. They were given the right to withdraw and they signed consent forms, which guaranteed their confidentiality in the results of the study.
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The experimenter proceeded with a (seemingly unjustified) request for each participant to provide a few names of fellow students and then presented the cover story about unethical research into sensory deprivationasking participants to recommend students to take part in a replication of this research using adjectives such as ‘exciting’, ‘incredible’ and ‘superb’ but not to mention the negative effects of sensory deprivation. Participants were given the opportunity to whistleblow to the university ethics committee
The experimenter proceeded with a (seemingly unjustified) request for each participant to provide a few names of fellow students Participants had to use adjectives such as‘exciting’, ‘incredible’ and ‘superb’ but not to mention the negative effects of sensory deprivation. Participants were given the opportunity to whistleblow to the university ethics committee
Only 3.6% indicated they would obey the experimenter. Most believed they would be either disobedient (31.9%) or whistleblowers (64.5%). When they were asked to predict the behaviour of other typical students at their university, only 18.8% thought an average student at VU University would obey, while they believed most other students would either disobey (43.9%) or whistleblow (37.3%).
As with Milgram (1963), people tend to obey authority figures, even if the request is unethical. Disobeying and blowing the whistle are demanding acts for individuals to conduct. People can claim what they or others will do in a situation, but they are often wrong. People act far differently than how they claim they would behave. Behaving in a moral manner is difficult for individuals.