The homeless man is starting to see all his blessing God has given him, and thanks God for all this by praying daily. The homeless man is now aware of how attending Church and strengthening his relationship with God has helped him progress his life in a positive. way, and wants to maintain this relationship.
Thank you for all that you have done in my life. Amen.
The homeless man decides to meet his parents after he changed his life. They see how he ha become a changed man and is now a contributing member to society.
Hey guys how are you.
look at how much my baby has changed
God is good
After serving his community,and regaining a strong relation with God and his family, the homeless man decides to take his relationship with God to the next level by becoming a priest, and following God's plan.
I was wondering if you can help me become a priest.
If this is what you feel God has planned for you, I would love too.
After years of training the homeless man has been ordained and is ready to live the next chapter of his life caring and building strong relationships with society and living in God's words and actions.
Praise be to God.
He now preaches at the church where he once felt this divine feeling that inspired him to change his life for the better. He looks to help those who feel alienated from society and wants to teach them that through God you can accomplish anything
Why has God ignored my calling, and helped me overcome this feeling of seperation
God has his plan for all of us and instead of questioning him we must live out his word and find the cause of this separation and fix it through prayer, church, and love.