The Country name is Indonesia because the meaning of Indonesia is the name of an archipelago in Southeast Asia which lies between.
Geographical Condition:
Indonesia is in the Southeast Asia and Oceania, between the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Oh ok. Thanks, now I understand.Thank you
Indonesian governmental system means:The government system is called presidential when the executive body is outside the direct supervision of the legislative body.
Country's main problem::
Hey, Bec Do you know what is the problem that we still have to faced in Indonesia?
To overcome the problem our country will:1. Wear our masks out of the house.2. We must keep our distance from other people.3. Avoid crowds, either closed or open places.4. Tetap jaga kebersihan tangan serta hindari menyentuh bagian wajah sebelum mencuci tangan.
The country is in Southeast Asia and Oceania, between the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Problem faced now in Indonesia is the Coronavirus.This Virus is a problem that still exists in this world and in Indonesia that is still being faced.
Ok here:Problem faced now in Indonesia is the Coronavirus.This Virus is a problem that still exists in this world and in Indonesia that is still being faced.
I know the answer.Then what to you want me to do.
So, can you tell me the asnwer because it's for my task.Please....
These solution will benefit to overcome the country's problem and will make our country more better, healthy.