She's saying her first words, that's it I'm Dadda, da-da
Da, da, da, dadda
Lilly's Bedtime Stories
Once upon a time...
There lived a beautiful princess...
Lilly's First Year of School
Alright guys, it's time to start learning to write our ABCs...
FAQ: Language Acquisition. Linguistic society of america. (2023). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022, October 13). Speech and language developmental milestones. National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
By: Courtney Gross
Around 5-6 months old, Lilly begins repeating the sounds she hears her parents use. She is exploring the sounds she hears and can make herself. She is starting to speak and try to make different sounds.
Lilly gets read a nightly bedtime story from her mom and dad. As she falls asleep, she hears them talk and interact with each other and how they bring the characters to life with different voices and sounds.
During Lilly's first year of preschool, her teacher is starting to introduce the ABC's and spelling and writing words. Lilly has begun interacting with her new peers and talking with them! She is starting to use longer sentences and hold conversations with her family and friends.