"July 17, 2019 Hidden journal entry #12. Had a good night, this city offers a disgusting amount of those around this time..."
"... Sustained minor injuries. No need for medical attention.Only attention needed is on the grimy bastards walking free..."
"... Started at 10:30 pm, walked past groups of protesters revolting against the newly passed laws expanding D.C. as a sanctuary city..."
"... They claim they're the ones raping our girls. The ones abducting them, tossing them into the terrible world of sex trafficking..."
"...They claim these immigrants seeking refuge are the ones corrupting our society..."
"...Little do they know, it's us. Thier false President claims a wall will keep out the dangerous rapists, molesters, and sex traffickers..."
"...So let me ask you this, how will a wall keep out the problem that exists within..."
"... 11:00 I walked past an old park and sat on the bench. Memories here. Bad memories..."
"...The President decides to ignore the true issues. Over the past 5 years, 90% of cases were DMST, Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking..."
"...This means that almost every victim of sex trafficking is our youth, from our own people..."
"...This is an issue I know all too well..."
"...One year ago, today, at that park..."
"...One year ago today was a perfect day..."
"...Until she was gone..."
"... She was all I had. Our parents gone. No one there for us but each other..."
"... It was easy for us though, all we needed was each other..."
"... And just as easily, she was gone..."
"...For weeks I blamed myself, hoping someone would find her. If only I didn't turn around, if only I didn't close my eyes for just one moment..."
"...While I spent my time in self-loathing..."
"...Gracie's body turned up..."
"...Beaten, raped, drugged..."
"...11:30, almost time for my shift at midnight..."
"...Passed by a red Jaguar, reminds me of my first day on the job..."
"...It was December 22nd, months after Gracie's body was found..."
"...We were meeting at some abandoned, degenerating looking warehouse. somewhere that's now the closest I feel to home..."
"...At first, we were called the Defenders of Youth, back when it was the four of us..."
"...Well, I don't think that's radical at all..."
"...Until we were forced to change our name when a serial rapist on the run was found nearly beaten to death in a dark alley, then the media decided to call us a radical group dangerous to society..."
"...First member is Eileen, the super genius behind our operation..."
"...She discovered sex trafficking was bringing in a net profit of$150 billion dollars globally, 50 of which, she believes, goes to the U.S. ..."
"...She was a senior accountant for the Federal Dept. of Treasury, began to see many inconsistencies..."
"... When she voiced her concerns to her supervisors, she was released from the job 3 months later...."
"... Since then, she's been hacking into government servers, uncovering the hypocrisy behind the government's rhetoric ...."
"... Next is Uncle D, never knew his real name. All I know is that he lost his daughter 15 years ago and he was found dead 3 months ago..."
"... Never wanted to look into who he was, I respected his decision..."
"... He's the reason we're all here, he brought all of us together, now he's gone too..."
"... Finally, is Derek. He worked at the famous Red Vixen Club..."
"...He saw some unsettling things..."
"...He was snooping around, bored from work and thought he'd walk around..."
"... He never thought that night would change him forever..."
"... Turns out he made his way to the A/V room for the club, conveniently overlooking one of the VIP "showrooms"..."
"...He claimed this club hosted secret events, that it's a hotspot for the trading of girls in D.C. ..."
"...Since that day, we've been working on infiltrating the club and uncovering the corrupt diplomats profiting from such a grimy business..."
"...It had just hit midnight when I was arriving at the club..."
"...After months of working my way up undercover, I've been promoted to a VIP handler..."
"...My initial plan was just to gather as much information as I could and leave, but I can't..."
"...I will stop at nothing until the crime stops. These kids being trafficked are domestic. They are in the USA and they are going state to state, until someone does something about it..."
"...I'm in too deep..."
"...It was a very busy night, I was tasked with escorting and caring for a special group of VIP guests..."
"... I was getting prepared in the women's bathroom, ready for the show I must act in for the night..."
"... A great act, one in which I must entertain, enjoy these grotesque men ..."
"... Where they act like clean, firm businessmen, and I act like the clueless broad on the sidelines..."
"... It was 12:30, I picked them up from the side VIP entrance. ready to escort them to the VIP showroom..."
"... Five men, two bodyguards courtesy of the club, three others of unknown identity..."
"... The loud dance floor blankets the screams and pleads for help.."
"... The VIP showroom is located above the dancefloor, hidden from view, hidden from me. Until now..."
"... I took the men to their desired showroom, as instructed, and left them to conduct their business..."
"... I needed to know what they're doing, I needed to see it for myself..."
"... Lucky for me, Eileen got in contact with another handler at the club and let them know what's happening behind closed doors. They covered for me for the next 30 minutes..."
"... 30 minutes is all I had, 30 minutes to get the information I need..."
"... Derek said that the A/V room is located on the third floor. I have to pass by the old empty cubicles on the second and use the fire escape stairs to go up..."
"... When I got there, I thought I was ready for what I was going to see..."
"... I thought I prepared myself enough ..."
"... These men, these grown, gross men were just sitting there ..."
"... Staring at their product, deliberating their worth..."
"... One was especially young, she reminded me of my little sister ..."
"... That young face ..."
"... The brown hair, the innocence in her big, dark eyes..."
"... 450,000 kids go missing every year to these sex traffickers..."
"... I couldn't lose her too. I couldn't just stay back and watch as another child becomes a statistic..."
"... Against everyone's advice, I did something about it..."
"... All I was thinking about were those girls, and all I saw was red..."
"... I let them stay and watch, let them see what happens to men like them..."
"... I needed to save them, we ran for the back entrance..."
"... I made a call to Derek, he'll be waiting for us..."
"... Right on time, Derek brought his van to get everyone out..."
"... 450,000 children go missing, and only 5,000 of those cases get reported..."
"... I had to do something..."
"... And now, no thanks to our justice system, they're safe..."
"... For them, a night of comfort. A warm bed, something to eat, and most importantly someone looking out for them..."
"... For me, a night of remembrance. I need to be reminded of why I'm here and what I'm fighting for ..."
"... It's all for her. I won't let her death be in vein. I will expose the corrupt system and uproot the injustice..."
"... And I won't feel true comfort until I do..."
"... They know a wall will stop nothing. They know what's going on in our own land and turn a blind eye to it..."
Tapes to be Submitted to The Washington Post July 17th, 2025
"... By the time these tapes will be released, everyone will know what they're doing."