Joy! This is not your job! I pay you to take out the trash, not serve custimers! You can go. Debrah will do HER job now.
Special:Fried cake caserale! Only $9.99 per serving!
I know. Honstly, I wanted to to serve me. Not Debrah. I left with out saying anything. Why do you not quit?
Well, I have a soulution. I have a bakery that is in need of workers. It pays $14 a hour. It is open 7 days a week. Are you intrested?
I hate this job! I hate it! I hate it! Debrah is so mean to me! And Mr. Edward is just terrible!
I NEED the money! He pays me very badly, but if I stay all day and take out the trash and and sometimes, when I am lucky, clean up, I get enough money to survive on.
Well, you were sad and needed it. Also, we need the help. Are you in?
Why are you doing this for me? We have't even meet before.