Author's Last Name, Author's First and Middle Initials. (Year of Publication). Title of book. [or italicize] City of Publication, Publisher.ex: Smith, J. (1645). A tour of the new world. London, London Publishing.
Electronic Source:Entire Website
Size 12 academic font, no underlining or italicizing, centered at the top of the page
Electronic Source:Page of a Website
Slide: 3
Electronic Sources: use http://Use paragraph numbers (par. or pars.) if there are no page numbers
Editor, Author, Compiler Name. (Year, Month, Date Published). Article Title. [or italicize] Retrieved from URL. ex: Smith, J. (2018, January 5). A tour of the new world. Retrieved from
ex: Smith, J. (2018, January 5). Landing in Virginia. A tour of the new world. Retrieved from
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