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  • The Coming of Beowulf
  • The Battle with Grendel
  • The Monster's Lair
  • An epic hero, named Beowulf, heard from across the land about the torture an evil monster called Grendel had rain upon the Danes for 12 years. Now Beowulf is here to save the day!
  • The Battle With Grendel's Mother
  • When Grendel returns to the banquet hall to feast once again, Beowulf surprise attacks him with his bare hands. There is a struggle but he is able to defeat Grendel by slicing off his arm, and hanging it as a trophy.
  • The Last Battle
  • Angry at the death of her son, Grendel's Mother, kills Hrothgar's closest friend. Bravely, Beowulf is off to defeat the "lady monster" in her underwater lair.
  • The Farewell
  • While in battle with Grendel's Mother, Beowulf almost faces his defeat. Luckily last minute, he spots a sword hanging on the wall, grabs it, and cuts off her head!
  • In a tower full of lots of treasures, lived a terrifying fire-breathing dragon. Though Beowulf was old now, he still was determined to battle it. They fight and fight but things are going badly for Beowulf, now on the brink of death. Suddenly, one of his men, Wiglaf, was the only one brave enough to save Beowulf and defeat the dragon.
  • Wiglaf successfully killed the dragon, however Beowulf soon died from his injuries. Thankfully, Wiglaf's efforts did not go unnoticed. He was made the new king and possesed all the treasures inside the tower, which he had decided to bury by the tower, along with Beowulf's ashes, in his honor.
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