Actually, we're only targeting people aged 18 to 60.
Anyone younger is going to need a legal guardian
So, everyone can join in or do you guys have any specific target audience?
There are other requirements too actually. Like, he should be physically and mentally healthy. He should also not be intoxicated by alcohol within 24 hours prior to donation.
Well, its not specific weight but as long as he's above 45kg, he should be fine.
I should ask my brother to join along since he's 19 this year.
Isn't your brother like underweight? thought you have to be a specific weight to be able to donate.
OMG yeah! Here, you guys should take this brochure. It has all the details about the campaign and our socials!
Saravana, don't forget to tell them that they practically can go to any hospitals that is convenient to them.
Donate Blood
Yeap! Its not easy to get Lim Yong to be involved with campaigns and such, Blood donation however is very important.
Thanks! This campaign sure seems to be effective since it caught my interest hahaha