This is the election of 1860 and I, Abraham Lincoln, have won it. The problem is the democratic party over the issue of slavery. I believe slavery is wrong and should be abolished but not everyone in the parties believe this. The south is scared of me abolishing slavery now that i am in power so they have left.
We are the union army. Harpers ferry is a spot in west virginia near a river that had an arsenal in which many weapons could be stored. In 1859 an abolitionist named John Brown tried to raid the ferry and this led to further tension between the north and the south contributing to the civil war.
We are the confederates and we will do everything in our power to protect the ferry!!
My name is Senator Clay and I am responsible for the compromise of 1850. The reason I wrote it was to ease tensions between the north and the south. The comrpomise was a series of resolutions to problems between te north and south. My compromise passed and one of them was slave trade abolished here in washington DC. This was the slave trade capital so following the comrpomise passing there was more tensions between the north and south because of the slave capital being abolished.