Your fiance has a little something with your highschool bully..
I know what you were doing! You were with her. Get out I cant believe I got engaged with you,
Whatever I like her better anyways.
How did she find out?
Everyone who has been bullied by them will be at the cafe tomorrow at noon, persuade them to help you and I will provide all the resources you need to destroy the girs lives.
I am someone who can help you get revenge on the girls, they ruined your life and now you can ruin theirs.
How do you feel getting yet another thing taken away from your life by those girls.
Who are you?
Everyone in highschool has been bullied by the 3 meanies, but everyone here has been more affected than most. I know you all can relate to a time their actions have greatly affected your personal life. Which is why I'm creating this group. I have all the resources to make us successful in ruining their lives.