Mercantilism is the thought that trade and selling is what makes you rich.
That's cool! What makes mercantilism so effective?
It is very effective because countries have awesome strategies to help themselves giver and recieve tons!
What is their strategy that makes it so effective
Countries make their export as effective as possible by having lots of import and exports coming at each time. Exports make the country richer.
what is the stregth of mercantilism?
Mercantilism is so strong because so many businesses and countries do it! if evryone trades we can coninue to grow and get better and richer!
Well if there is a strength there has to be a weakness, whaty would that be?
The weakness of mercantilism is that it could easlily crash if one or two of the world powers crashed. If the main traders and exporters can't do anything then it fasils.
Wow! thanks for telling me so much about mercantilism! this was so interesting!
No problem man. If you every have any more questions about European History Just ask me!