Hi Genesis. How are you? How did you spend your vacation?
Hello Yoon. I was good, but I think I could be better.
Why, is something wrong?
Oh, no!. I've just been a little bored. Maybe if I went out more I wouldn't be.
Ohh. I've been a little bored too. I haven't been able to go out because I got sick. If I had bundled up I wouldn't have gotten sick.
Yes, I am. If I hadn't gotten sick I would have been able to go out last weekend with my friends, but I couldn't do it.
Yes, you would have. Are you okay now?
Oh, you have so many friends. If I had many, I would be happier.
If you have few friends, it's because you are selective with your friendships. That's a good thing. If you have many friends, they may not all be sincere.
You are right. Anyway, I would have liked to be more sociable.
There's nothing wrong with not being one. So, if you're free this weekend, would you like to go out?
Sure, I would like to!.
I'm sure it will be. I would pick you up Saturday at 5:00 pm, okay?
Perfect. I think if you want, we would go to the amusement park
Yes, sounds good to me, see you Saturday then!
Yes! I would like to go. We would have a lot of fun if we went.