"It was the kind of thing Finn might have said to me, and I couldn't help smiling" (Page 85).
"Here we go again, I thought. Me dragging Greta home while she stumbles down memory lane" (Page 215).
Progress Check #3 Theme by Andrew Dixon
Theme Development #2
Throughout the story Tell The Wolves I'm Home a common theme is seen that being love ties people together.
Theme Development #3
"He didn't say anything. Then he sighed. Okay. All right. I'll go. For you" (Page 302).
June only agrees to meet Toby due to his bond with Finn. This love between not only Toby and Finn but also June and Finn leads to the close relationship of June and Toby
Thematic Solution
In this scene it truly shows the bond that is starting to form between June and Greta. June knows where to find Greta because Greta knew that was her special spot. As they are walking home, Greta looks into the past at how June and Greta used to be close. This foreshadows later in the book when the sisters become close and realize their wrongs.
This statement by Toby shows just how much he cares about June. Toby knows how much he is risking by going to get Greta yet he still does. Toby has now not just extended Finn's love for June he has started for June himself.
Throughout the story Tells The Wolves I'm Home love brought the characters closer to one another. At the end of the story, the main characters have made new relationships and put their differences aside due to love. Examples of this are June and Greta's relationship along with Danni's opinion of Toby.