"Right. Lack of opportunities, Daddy says. "Corporate America don't bring jobs to our communities, and they damn sure ain't quick to hire us" (Thomas 10, 58).
"He didn't want to sell drugs Starr, Davante says. "Nobody really wanna do that shit. Khalil ain't have much of a choice though" (Thomas 13, 217).
"Sometimes it's hard to believe Garden Heights and Riverton Hills share the same sky" (Thomas 14, 174).
Throughout this section we see Starr look deeper into how she feels about the community she lives in and how she can change it. While in the car with her dad, Starr talks to him about how their neighborhood lacks chances for people and how people resort to selling drugs to just live a normal life.
Davante informs Starr that Khalil was not a King Lord. This surprises Starr knowing what Kind did at the funeral and him selling drugs. We get to better understand Khalil's situation through Davante especially the phrase "Khalil ain't have much of a choice though". Khalil sold drugs just to live a normal life and to help his family.
The life Starr has is one divided in half. The difference between Garden Heights and Riverton Hills has such a big impact on how she views her home. This divide provides Starr with a new perspective of her home. That will shape how she views it going forward.