I love you so much my sweet angel. its going to be hard but we will get through this and I will see you all the time. I know this is ruff but its the best environment for you without you and your mother shouting at one another.
Please dad and mum why do you have to do this I want dad to stay here and not go anywhere. I cant believe this you cant its not fair dad PLEASE!!
I'm so sorry honey, we have some bad news. Me and your dad are going have to break up and your dad wont live with us but he will in a other house. you will see him when ever you want but we will both be her for you.
Sweety pie, its going to be alright we will get through this together I know this is hard but this is better for you. You will still see your dad whenever you want nothing is going to happen. your loves you more than anything! Now lets talk about this in the morning, hope into bed and get some sleep
Mum this is what I mean I don't like this I want dad to come back! He wont be able to tuck me in for bed or say goodnight to me or even take me to school and sing me laybys.
Hi honey. its good to see you. I've missed you so much but anyways how are you feeling about all this have you kind of been alright with this whole thig with mum and me/ it's OK WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS
Hi dad how are you? I haven't see you in so long its been a week, why didn't you call me when I called you've been so upset about you not living with mum and me, why cant you just move back home with us .